Immediate Actions

We will review and build upon our existing training and education programs to ensure antisemitism awareness, prevention, and response are an integral part of our equity and inclusion programs for faculty, staff, and students

An Executive Planning Group comprised of leaders from across campus will be convened to outline a plan for integrating this work into Penn’s existing efforts. In conducting this education, we will refer to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism adopted by the 31-member states of IHRA, including the United States. As part of this work, we will continue to ensure that our community is knowledgeable and aware of University policies, and federal, state, and local laws that prohibit discrimination, including acts of antisemitism. We will also ensure that our programmatic efforts consider antisemitism and the interconnectedness of other forms of hate, including Islamophobia, to ensure that we are fostering a welcoming community for all. The Executive Planning Group will begin meeting in November. 

We will send a delegation of Penn leaders to attend the Brandeis Leadership Symposium on Antisemitism in Higher Education in November 2023

Penn attendees will include the Vice Provost for University Life, Vice Provost and Dean of Admissions, Vice Provost for Education, and Vice Provost for Faculty. The President will meet with all Penn attendees after the symposium to discuss how the knowledge and ideas from the symposium can be applied at Penn. 

Medium Term Actions

Penn commits to hiring an experienced leader with expertise in preventing and responding to antisemitism, Islamophobia, and other forms of hate

Prior to developing the position description and recruiting a new staff leader, we will consult widely with faculty, staff, and students to ensure we understand the required skills, knowledge, and experience for such a new colleague. 

We will strengthen academic scholarship on antisemitism and its impact on society

Penn will support faculty-led efforts that build on the scholarly and programmatic strength of Penn’s Jewish Studies Program, the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, and the Middle East Center. 

We will redouble our work with student organizations and other groups to encourage efforts to understand the interconnectedness of different forms of hate

In this academic year, University-wide programming, notably the annual MLK Interfaith Program, will seek to engage the University community around these topics. To support student organizations and other campus-based organizations who are seeking to coordinate and implement programs on the interconnectedness of different forms of hate, the President and Provost will establish a programmatic fund from which groups can seek funding. Further details will be announced soon.