Immediate Actions

We will constitute and charge a University Task Force to address antisemitism

Reporting to the President, the Task Force will include faculty, staff, student, and alumni leaders. The Task Force will be expected to engage broadly with the goal of advising the President on the University’s ongoing efforts to combat antisemitism. Mark Wolff, Morton Amsterdam Dean of the School of Dental Medicine, will chair the Task Force. We are actively working to identify additional Task Force members and expect the Task Force to begin meeting in early November.

The President and Provost will convene a Student Advisory Group focused on the Jewish student experience at Penn 

We will develop and advance partnerships with campus-based, and local, regional, and national organizations to counter antisemitism on college campuses


Medium Term Actions

The Task Force, Student Advisory Group, our partners, and the entire Penn community will provide critical feedback that will shape our ongoing efforts. We fully expect and invite the Penn community to provide feedback as we strive to counter antisemitism, and to combat all forms of hate and bigotry